The album Fragility of Sounds published in cooperation with Ventil Records was elected #11 of the Top 50 Albums of the Year 2022 by The Wire magazine!
The album Fragility of Sounds by Ventil Records is available under
The joint panel presentations by Pia Palme, Irene Lehmann and Christina Fischer-Lessiak to the conference Performing, Engaging, Knowing at Lucerne University of Applied Arts and Sciences are now published.
Palme, Pia. (2022). “Composing with a Polluted Planet.”
Lehmann, Irene. (2022). “Listening with My Eyes Wide Open: Researching Music Theater in Artistic Research Environments.”
Fischer-Lessiak, Christina. (2022). “Learning Through Listening: An Autoethnographic Approach.”
Edited by Irene Lehmann and Pia Palme
Published by Wolke, 312 pp., pb., € 34.–, 978-3-95593-129-2
Order at any bookstore or directly at
Sounding Fragilities enacts a polyphony of writing on contemporary composition, music and performing arts in relation to music theatre. Co-edited by a theatre and performance scholar and by a composer and artistic researcher, this anthology considers its field of investigation through the lens of positionalities. Irene Lehmann and Pia Palme invite readers into intimate encounters with an artist’s practice, feminist and queer perspectives, and personal explorations into aspects of musicology, theatre studies, technology and ecology.
26 January 2023 @DEPOT Wien 19:00
Fragile Klänge. Buchpräsentation und Screening mit Pia Palme
Kann Musik „mit anderen Ohren“ gehört werden? Die Komponistin und künstlerische Forscherin Pia Palme stellt ihr aktuelles Buch vor und berichtet von ihrer Arbeit über die Fragilität der Klänge. Ihre These ist, dass eine feministische und ökologische Grundhaltung persönliche Hörgewohnheiten verändern kann. Das Hintergrundrauschen wird wahrgenommen, ein Raum in seiner Tiefe ausgelotet.
Film: Cryoglyphs (2022) von Pia Palme, 17 min.
The project formally ended at 31 Mai 2022. Because of the wide-ranging impact of the project and the high interest in the results, follow-up events are still coming up, which are directly connected with the study. They might be listed here.
17 November 2022 Radio OE1 23:03 – 24:00
series Zeitton & musikprotokoll
Astrid Schwarz presents a feature about my performance at the festival @musikprotokoll in Graz in October and a joint discussion with musicologist Susanne Kogler. With a new recording of NOCH RADIKALER (2022) @studio Martin Siewert, and a book presentation of the anthology.
Music and discourse with Pia Palme, Susanne Kogler, Astrid Schwarz
2 November 2022 @echoraum Wien
19:30 – 22:00 Fragile Soundings | Musik und Diskurs
Album- and book presentation with Elaine Mitchener, Electric Indigo, Séverine Ballon, Veza Fernández, Dr. Susanne Kogler and Pia Palme. In cooperation with Ventil Records and echoraum.
8 October 2022 @musikprotokoll Graz, Styria
14:30 – 16:00 Kleiner Saal Palais Meran
Kunstuniversität Graz
Pia Palme | Sounding Fragilities
book presentation, performance & discussion
7 October 2022 @musikprotokoll and ARTikulationen Graz, Styria
14:30 – 16:00 Theater im Palais, Kunstuniversität Graz
Panel with anthropologist and performer Caroline Gatt, double bass player John Eckhardt, composer and sound artist Miya Masaoka, and composer and artistic researcher Pia Palme. Moderation: Hanns Holger Rutz.
More info under
28/29 June 2022 Angewandte Festival and Angewandte Innovation Lab curated by Elisabeth Falkensteiner
Pia Palme
In a former post office – a performative ecology with voice, bass recorder, electronics, video, paper
in the former Postsparkassenhalle Vienna
‘Consider the old hall: it sounds by itself. In my performance, it is my living collaborator. It is alive and speaks WITH me. I ask for their permission. It allows me to project my video onto its surface. The hall performs WITH my instrument, reflecting, resonating, masking sound waves. My voice is WITH the floor, crawling into the basement. No, this is (not) another kind of animism, it is purely scientific thinking. My breath enters my instrument, flows through the big tube and exits through holes and openings. Softly, my sounding breath touches the walls, the columns, and moves up towards the glass ceiling. I listen to its history. We bow to each other.’
Palme will also participate in discussion panels in the afternoon.
Pia Palme @Saari Residence 3 March to 29 April 2022
Project WITH [Saari] On March 3rd, I will begin my next period of practice and work, participating at the Saari Residency in Hietamäki near Turku, Finland by invitation of the Kone Foundation – until the end of April. I travel by car, moving slowly across Europe. I bring several instruments (bass recorders), electronic and recording gear, books, and warm clothes. I want to feel the distance, the countries in between Vienna and Turku, and get a taste of the various landscapes. With this journey, I also want to commemorate my grandfather, who spent three years in Finland and Sweden as a prisoner of war during WWI. My plan is to compose, to make art and music, and write. The core theme is about bringing ecological ideas into my practice, experimenting with structures that draw on ecosystem ecology and creating compositional concepts that mirror these ideas. I want to listen to, and practice with, the environment and into myself, from an ecofeminist position.
28 & 29 April 2022 Interdisziplinäre Ringvorlesungstagung 2022
Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien
Empowerment. Wissen und Geschlecht in Musik/Theater/Film
28 April 2022, 15:45 – 16:45
Lecture Pia Palme: MIT. Komponieren im Netzwerk als künstlerische und ökofeministische Praxis
Book of abstracts under >>>
Conception: Evelyn Annuß, Andrea Ellmeier, Doris Ingrisch, Claudia Walkensteiner-Preschl.
26 April 2022, 8pm, Sibelius Museum Turku
A theatrical ecology with Elie Halonen & Satu Hakamäki – shibari dance performance, Pia Palme – composition/subbass recorders, Mari Zhiginas – vocal improvisation, Tuomas Laitinen – dialogist, Siiri Viljakka – live sketching. Storyboard by Palme/Halonen/Hakamäki/Laitinen, videos by Pia Palme. All artists are currently fellows at the Saari Residence maintained by Kone Foundation.
On a former island is a theatrical ecology that brings together sound, dance, text, humans, visuals, paper, plant material, and anorganic matter and was developed for the Sibelius Museum. The piece was initiated by the composer and artistic researcher Pia Palme (Austria) and conceived, realised, and staged with Elie Halonen, Satu Hakamäki and Tuomas Laitinen (Finland). The artists met during their residence at Saari in March and April, found that they share a deep connection with nature and ecology in art, and decided to enter a risky collaborative process to develop a performance. They further joined with vocal artist Mari Zhiginas (Ukraine). Siiri Viljakka, comic artist, projects the performance onto paper by means of simultaneous sketching and drawing. For all of them, the interaction of disciplines in this form was new and offered space for joyful experimentation and discovery.
03.12. – 12.12. 2021
The National Taichung Theater (Taiwan)
KNM Ensemble Berlin presents Tunings of the World 2.0 – reading music #9 – #13 with text compositions by Pia Palme (AUT), Yi-De Chen (TWN), Bumki Kim (KOR),
Chao-Ming Tung (TWN) and Julio Estrada (MEX)
Featuring ZELLWÄRTS (Palme 2021)
Watch a trailer here
閱讀音樂宣傳片_修改 from KNM Berlin on Vimeo.
December 16/2021, 20:00 postponed to January 2022
Hall of the former Postsparkasse
Angewandte Innovation Lab, curator Elisabeth Falkensteiner
Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien, Georg-Coch-Platz 2, 1010 Vienna, AT
Audiovisual concert performance
Artists: Paul Ebhart, Pia Palme
December 2/2021, 7:30 pm London, UK
Trio Atem @International Concert Series at Royal Holloway
Palme’s HER VERY NOISE, HER GUISE (2017) is included in Trio Atems’s programme, alongside works by Kaija Saariaho, Nina Whiteman, and Gavin Osborn.
Palme’s piece was commissioned by Trio Atem.
November 27/2021, 3:00 – 4:30 pm Opera Graz moved online
Kunstuniversität Graz presents
Textmaterial im zeitgenössischen Musiktheater – Conference
Round Table with Antonius Sol, Pia Palme, Georg Nussbaumer, Feliz Anne Macahis, moderated by Christa Brüstle.
Link to event >>>
November 5 and 6/2021, 20:00 CET @FAHRBEREITSCHAFT – teilelager, Herzbergstraße 40–43, 10365 Berlin
MUSIC FOR a house + a street
Ensemble Berlin KNM presents new works by Julio Estrada, Laure M. Hiendl, Carlos Iturralde, Bum Ki Kim, Fang-Yi Lin, Wei-Chih Liu, Chao-Ming Tung, Pia Palme, Ana Maria Rodriguez and others.
With the premiere of Pia Palme’s new text piece ZELLWÄRTS commissioned by the KNM ensemble.
KNM performing zellwärts
June 20 – September 30/2021 Online exhibition
Pia Palme’s performance Fern Bowl Piece is shown in the hybrid Öres 21 Exhibition at the Örö Island and online. The piece was also part of the performances of DUSK SONGS in 2019.
August 11/2021, 19:20 Reichenau/Rax Austria and online
Pia Palme @IsaSCIENCE 2021 Summer Academy of the mdw Vienna
Feministing the ZKM or how to establish a musical ecosystem beyond the canon. [Lecture performance]
Read the abstract here >>>
Link to isaSCIENCE >>>
In a three-part series, the Austrian Radio OE1 presented an extended feature about the composer Pia Palme and the artistic research project, and interviews with Christina Fischer-Lessiak and Pia Palme, also featuring music by Christina Lessiak.
July 18/2021, 22:05 – 23:00 (MESZ)
Zeit-Ton extened Radio OE1 & online presented by Astrid Schwarz
On the Fragility of Sounds (2)
Christina Lessiak empfiehlt.
Music by Christina Lessiak, Crush, Juliet Fraser, and many others.
Listen under
July 16/2021, 23:03 – 24:00 (MESZ)
Zeit-Ton Radio OE1 & online presented by Astrid Schwarz
On the Fragility of Sounds (1)
Ein Rückblick auf das künstlerische Forschungsprojekt “On the Fragility of Sounds”
With Pia Palme, Christina Lessiak, and music by Elisabeth Schimana, Séverine Ballon, Elaine Mitchener, Electric Indigo (commissioned by On the Fragility of Sounds) and an excerpt of Wechselwirkung by Pia Palme. With, among others, the ensembles Schallfeld, Phace, and soprano Juliet Fraser.
Listen under
July 15/2021, 23:03 – 24:00 (MESZ) available online until July 22
Zeit-Ton Radio OE1 presented by Marie-Therese Rudolph
Composer’s Portrait Pia Palme. Auf vielseitig verschlungenen Wegen.
With music performed by Sonja Leipold, Ute Wassermann, Rosie Middleton, Ensemble Kontrapunkte, Pia Palme.
Listen under
July 15/2021, 22.15 – 23.30 (MESZ), online
LIGNA: On how not to forget – Talk by Irene Lehmann
Irene Lehmann presents on the performance group LIGNA at the conference of the International Federation of Theatre Research (IFTR) In this talk on LIGNA’s performance Schafft zwei, drei, viele Gänge (Hamburg 2019) Irene Lehmann will investigate how local knowledges of a nearly vanished city quarter can be approached with the means of an audiowalk / performance. The Hamburg Gängeviertel (a quater with small alleyways) was a quarter where, in former times, a mixed bunch of people lived – from small merchands to day laborers, from sex-workers to the Swing Youth – and where the first Jewish reformist temple was built. Most of this quarter has been destroyed throughout the last 100 years, so how can the barely visible traces and hidden stories be remembered and connected to the lives of today’s audiences?
(see also:
June 30/2021, 19:00 Schaumbad – Freies Atelierhaus Graz
8020, Puchstrasse 41
The Fragility of Sounds Concert Night >>> Link
Musiktheater auf den Bühnen der Innenwelt
Uraufführungen mit Séverine Ballon, Pia Palme und dem Ensemble Schallfeld
Lorenzo Derinni, Violine | Francesca Piccioni, Viola | Myriam Garcia Fidalgo, Violoncello | Margarethe Maierhofer-Lischka, Kontrabass
Nach dem Konzert gibt es ein Gespräch mit den Künstler*innen, moderiert von Dr. Irene Lehmann.
Eintritt frei
June 16/2021 02:00 – 04:00 PM London
CRiSAP UAL Zoom class Pia Palme
WITH – Towards an ecology in music
@ Sound Arts, London College of Communication, University of the Arts London
Saturday, May 29/2021 at 18:00 Tunings of the World. KNM’s Salon #2 – Historical Instruments in Contemporary Music (Online)
Stream aus KNM’s Garage 51 | Fahrbereitschaft Berlin
Moderation: Dr. Liam Cagney
Guests: Dr. Pia Palme, Komponistin (AUT) | Chao-Ming Tung, Komponist (TWN) | Matthew Conley, Musiker (USA/DEU)
Pia Palme: KREIDEBLEICH. Harpsichord performance as music theatre.
Video and talk about a piece for harpsichord featuring performer Sonja Leipold
Attend the Live event here
See the video and text here >>>
Thursday, May 13/2021 at 20:00 online Irene Lehmann @ACG Galerie Weimar Politik und Ästhetik in Luigi Nonos experimentellem Musiktheater Find the link here |
April 24/2021 – 5:50 – 6.10 PM [CET/UTC+1]
Lecture Pia Palme @eavesdropping symposium London
WITH. The significance of a preposition in music and practice.
On YouTube and Zoom at
March 18/2021 – 5 PM [CET/UTC+1] Online Event
The Fragility of Sounds Lecture Series | Summary & Lecture #9
Pia Palme: WITH. The significance of a preposition in my practice.
March 14 – 21/2021 – Radio OE1 Zeitton extended features
with Rainer Elstner, among others:
Elisabeth Schimana: Virus 3.5 Schatten (2020)
performed by Schallfeld Ensemble, recording Stefan Warum
commissioned and produced by On the Fragility of Sounds
March 16/2021 – 5 PM [CET/UTC+1] Online Event
The Fragility of Sounds Lecture Series | Lecture #3 (new date)
Elisabeth Schimana: Sound as Score
Susanne Kogler: Hannah Arendt and ‘The Fragility of Sound’ – Aesthetics and Politics in the 21st Century
March 8 to 14/2021 – online
Radio OE1 Radiokolleg – Jobprofil: Komponistin
with Marie-Therese Rudolph, featuring an interview with Pia Palme
March 11/2021 – 5 PM [CET/UTC+1] Online Event
The Fragility of Sounds Lecture Series | Lecture #8
Veza Fernandez: Tremor – Video performance and artist talk
Chikako Morishita: Composing ‘Narrative Dissolution’: Framing Subjectivity in Music Composition
March 04/2021 – 5 PM [CET/UTC+1] Online Event
The Fragility of Sounds Lecture Series | Lecture #7
Aistė Vaitkevičiūtė: Emerging in the Process: Alternative Musical Thinking Recalling Archaic (Female) Existence
Sarah Weiss: Precarious Resistance: On Women Singing Transgression in Ritual Contexts
February 26/2021 – 8 PM [CET/UTC+1]
Streaming concert @echoraeume
New works by Elaine Mitchener, Elisabeth Schimana & Electric Indigo
+ Meet the Artists live on zoom afterwards
More information here >>>
February 25/2021 – 5 PM [CET/UTC+1] Online Event
The Fragility of Sounds Lecture Series | Lecture #6
Darla Crispin: Fragile sounds, robust text and the mediating potential of mutually-attentive listening
Flora Könemann: The silent draw: exploration of the void through embodied listening and drawing – an exercise lecture
February 18/2021 – 5 PM [CET/UTC+1] Online Event
The Fragility of Sounds Lecture Series | Lecture #5
Malik Sharif: Composition and Musicology as Artistic Research: The Case of Ruth Crawford and Charles Seeger
Christina Lessiak: How Feminism Matters: An exploration of listening
February 13/2021 – 7 PM [CET] Online Event
WECHSELWIRKUNG Dernière + Meet the artists live on zoom
February 11/2021 – 5 PM [CET] Online Event
The Fragility of Sounds Lecture Series | Lecture #4
Irene Lehmann: On the theatricality of experimental listening situations
Susanne Kirchmayr aka Electric Indigo: From Idea to Realisation – Susanne Kirchmayr speaks about her artistic process
February 11/2021 – 7:30 PM [CET] Online World Premiere
BRITTLE (Electric Indigo 2021)
Wien Modern and Fragility of Sounds present
WECHSELWIRKUNG – an experimental music theatre
The film of the piece by Michaela Schwentner was available from 13 January until 13 February.
WECHSELWIRKUNG – the trailer
Music theatre 2020 in coproduction with Wien Modern
The trailer is available here >>>
January 28/2021 – 5 PM [CET] Online Event
The Fragility of Sounds Lecture Series | Lecture #2
Georgina Born: Listening after Whitehead: Nonhuman Sound, Fragility, and Care
Juliet Fraser: In the thick of it: further reflections on the mess and the magic of collaborative partnerships
January 21/2021 – 5 PM [CET] Online Event
The Fragility of Sounds Lecture Series | Lecture #1
Germán Toro Pérez: Instability and Contingency. Some thoughts about the performance of live electronic music.
Paola Bianchi: ELP – An artistic research project
January 19/2021 – 8:00 PM Online Event @echoraum Vienna
Livestream unter
entfernte freund*innen
oder: mit objekten zu sich an instrumenten für andere im raum durch einander >>>
An evening of sonic explorationsand new works with
Pia Palme bass recorder, video performance & electronics
Margarethe Maierhofer-Lischka double bass & electronics
Sonja Leipold harpsichord & preparations & objects
Songs from a Distance (Palme 12/2020)
A piece for mezzo, ensemble, and electronics
Watch the performance here >>>
December 9/2020 – Streaming Concert 7:30 PM
Songs from a Distance
Portrait Concert Pia Palme >>>
at the OENB Austrian National Library, Musiksammlung
with Anna C. Hauf, Molly McDolan,
ensemble airborne extended (Caroline Mayrhofer, Tina Zerdin, Elena Gabbrielli, Sonja Leipold)
13.-15./11/2020 WUK Projektraum Vienna
in cooperation with Wien Modern festival and ensemble PHACE
A montage for the Anthropocene
A piece for singer, dancer, electronics and instrumental ensemble
world premiere 60’
by Pia Palme, Paola Bianchi, Juliet Fraser, Irene Lehmann, Christina Fischer-Lessiak − an artistic research collaboration group as part of the PEEK Project »On the fragility of sounds«.
October 9/2020
Lecture Christina Lessiak
at Lange Nacht der Forschung, Kunstuniversität Graz
September 2020
Gallery 12-14 Contemporary
12-14 Schleifmühlgasse, 1040 Vienna
Pia Palme’s video Forest#1 (2020) is part of an installation by Molly McDolan
September 24/2020 at 7 PM
Hasenherz: Performance during the exhibtion (Des)Orientierung
Molly McDolan und Ana Inés Feola perform Eins & Doppelt by Pia Palme.
Discussion with Ruth Anderwald & Leonhard Grond.
Location: in the small park in front of the Gallery 12-14 Contemporary,
12-14 Schleifmühlgasse, 1040 Vienna
August 26 – 29/2020
Themed panel & performance
with Dr. Irene Lehmann, Dr. Pia Palme, & Christina Fischer-Lessiak
Interferences of Writing, Researching, and Composing
@ Symposium Performing, Engaging, Knowing Online
hosted by Lucerne School of Music,
Sursee Campus, Luzern, Switzerland
August 21/2020, 5 PM
Giardino Casa Hasler
Trio performance PLS @UNCOOL
Pia Palme/Thomas Stempkowski/Matthias Loibner
Poschiavo, CH
Wednesdays August 12,19,26/2020, 4 PM
Oratorio St. Anna/Poschiavo
Series Pia Palme | Contrabass Recorder Solo
Mixing J. S. Bach and Improvisations @UNCOOL
August 2020
Pia Palme @UNCOOL Artist Residency
Poschiavo (CH)
“All through August, I will work as Artist in Residence at the Uncool Residency in Poschiavo, in the Swiss mountain district Bernina. In a year like this, I very much enjoy this unique opportunity – and I hope that everybody stays healthy and everything will work out, including travel.”
August 2/2020, 23:00 and online until August 8/2020
Radio composition Pia Palme @ OE1 series KUNSTRADIO
Isolation Island – Reisebericht von einer Dämmerungslinie
presented by Elisabeth Zimmermann
Until August 8 online at Webradio oe1
May 14/2020 – 9:00 to 10:00 AM GMT via Zoom
Online Workshop Pia Palme
Auralizing the Anthropocene: How to Compose with a Polluted Planet
@Sir Zelman Cowen School of Music, Monash University
CancelledMay 8/2020Lecture Christina Fischer-Lessiak
at Lange Nacht der Forschung, Kunstuniversität Graz
May 7/2020 – 23:05 an online until May 13/2020
OE1 Radio series ZEITTON feature about Fragility of Sounds
Astrid Schwarz talks with Pia Palme about the project, about artistic research and distance, music theatre and the body, performance, gender, and feminisms. With music by Electric Indigo, Elisabeth Schimana, and world premieres by Pia Palme and Séverine Ballon.
Listen under:
CancelledApril 29/2020Portrait concert Pia Palme
@ONB Austrian National Library, Musiksammlung
with Anna C. Hauf, ensemble airborne extended, Molly McDolan
CancelledApril 1/2020Workshop Pia Palme @ University of Sydney, Australia
and research collaboration with the programme Composing Women and Prof. Liza Lim at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music
CancelledMarch 26/2020Workshop Pia Palme @ Monash University, Melbourne
and collaboration with Prof. Cat Hope, Sir Zelman Cowen School of Music
February 10 – 15/2020
Research period Wechselwirkung #1
Juliet Fraser, Paola Bianchi, Pia Palme in Vienna
December 14/2019 – 20:00
Theater im Palais, Graz
music-theatre performance MATTETOLINE
December 12 & 13/2019 – 20:00
off-Theater, Vienna
music-theatre performance MATTETOLINE
December 9/2019
Guest Lecture by Dr. Irene Lehmann
How to get away with/out Gender?
Genderdiversität auf der Bühne im Lichte der Institutionskritik
University of Music and Performing Arts, Graz
in cooperation with the Centre for Gender Studies
Dr. Lehmann also presents her new book Staging Gender.
more information here >>>
November 17th/2019 – 15:00
Pia Palme performs MORE RADICALLY #2 (Palme 2019)
solo for spoken text and bass recorder
Paris, Cathédrale Américaine
Concert à l’occasion du 30ème anniversaire de la fin de la guerre froide et de la libération de l’Europe centrale
November 14-16/2019
Christina Lessiak presenting and participating @ GRINM Network Conference 2019
Zurich University of the Arts
November 11-15/2019
Pia Palme presenting and participating @ Orpheus Research Summit
Including a presentation of the research project On the fragility of sounds.
Orpheus Institute, Ghent
Festival Fragility of Sounds >>>
was open until 4 November 2019 and is now closed.
Read the full CfP here >>>
October 31/2019
Royal Holloway Concerts
Trio Atem with Nina Whiteman performs
October 28-30/2019
Christina Lessiak ist participating @ …through practices, an artistic research conference
KASK & CONSERVATORIUM School of Arts, Ghent
October 18/2019
Banff centre of the Arts, Canada, Rolston Hall
@ Participants Concert
Skinpaperfragility (Palme, Banff 2019)
for spoken text, bass recorder, a membrane paper score & silent video
with Pia Palme, bass recorder, voice & Jane Gowan, paper performance
October 4/2019
Banff Centre of the Arts, Canada, Rolston Hall
MORE RADICALLY (Pia Palme, Banff 2019)
for voice, bass recorder, spoken text, and silent video
with Pia Palme, bass recorder, texts and Rosie Middleton, mezzo soprano
@ Participant’s Concert Banff Centre of the Arts
September-October 2019
Pia Palme @ BANFF Centre of the Arts
Musicians in Residency, Canada
September 27/2019
Banff Centre of the Arts, Canada, Rolston Hall
The Drum and the Sampler (Palme & Gingras, Banff 2019)
Performance by Pia Palme (conception, composition, bass drum)
and Eric Gingras (composition, sampler)
@ Participant’s Concert Banff Centre of the Arts
Radio OE1 Zeitton Fokus Komponistinnen im 21. Jahrhundert
Marie-Therese Rudolph reports on the
UNESCO conference Être Compositrice in Paris 2019
and features an excerpt of the
lecture-performance Pia Palme & Elisabeth Harnik.
Also, listen to Ute Wassermann performing in
Patterns to punctuate song, with darkness (Palme 2016).
Link to the entire programme
Performing a Feminist Utopia: Music Theatre as Democratic Practice | Joint lecture by Pia Palme and Christina Lessiak
@ Music and Democracy: Beyond Metaphors and Idealisation at University of Huddersfield
Dusk Songs #2 | music theatre performance with Anna Clare Hauf, ensemble airborne extended, Molly McDolan, Ana Inés Feola. Lecture with Christina Fischer-Lessiak and Pia Palme
@ Mumuth Graz
We say we sound | a performative experiment with
voice students of the KUG Jazz department
Performers: Johann Seitinger, Laura Zöschg, Ana Čop, Urban Pfeifer, Svitlana Varava.
Workshop: Pia Palme
@ V:NM Festival Graz IEM / KUG
Mattetoline | multimedia performance Pia Palme solo
@ aNOther Festival, Brick 5, Wien
Pia Palme: Dusk Songs #1 oder lieder im morgengrauen |music theatre performance with Paola Bianchi, Anna Clare Hauf, ensemble airborne extended, Molly McDolan
@ echoraum Wien
Book presentation Dr. Irene Suchy and Dr. Susanne Kogler:
Partituren des Körpers
with solo performances by Pia Palme and Mia Zabelka.
Pia Palme: The Womb Manifesto
version for solo performer and video (2019).
@ Forum Stadtpark Graz
Colloque être compositrice
Wednesday 13/03/2019
Performing the Compositional Practice
lecture performance with Elisabeth Harnik & Pia Palme
@ Paris Unesco
The Womb Manifesto | solo performance Pia Palme
@ WIR HABEN EINE WAHL festival, IMA Institut für Medienarchäologie, St. Pölten